26 June 2011

The tie that binds

"That which we have seen and heard we proclaim also to you, so that you too may have fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ." - 1 John 1:3

Fellowship. It's a word we use a lot. We speak of the great fellowship we had with someone. Of the fellowship within our churches. But of what are we speaking? Simply being together and enjoying one another's company?

Think of it with the analogy of a sport's team. The team's goal is to win. That doesn't mean that they can't have fun together, or enjoy being in each other's company. It means that being together isn't their goal. They can't meet each week and have spend time together talking and expect to win the championships. They can do those things, but their goal is to win the game and so preparing and drilling for the game must take first priority.

Fellowship is having a common purpose, a goal that you are mutually working toward. Fellowship with the saints is a body of believers with one common purpose: to glorify God. While it is wonderful to think of being joined together with so many others with a shared purpose, what really "takes the cake" is that we have been invited to fellowship with God. We were chosen by God and have been united with Him to glorify His name. What an amazing God we serve. Thank you, Father, for inviting me to fellowship with You.

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