29 August 2009

Names of God: Jehovah-Rapha

(yeh-ho-vaw' raw-faw')

The Lord That Heals

Jehovah-Rapha is the healer. Not just the healer of the carnal need of our body, but He is a healer of our emotions as well. Think of Jesus' ministry while on this earth. He healed broken bodies, making the blind to see, the deaf to hear and the lame to walk. Later on, He focused on healing the people's emotional side - opening their spiritual eyes, healing their spiritual ears to be able to hear the truth. May we be always open to receiving the healing that only Jehovah-Rapha can give.

By Yahweh's Grace,
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BWSC: God's Major Medium (Dr. Pipa)

This is the very last BWSC post. It took several months, but it is finally complete. With some posts, I have listening to the lectures again to better sum up my note, while other less fortunate posts are simply my typed-up notes. I hope they have been enjoyable and enlightening for all to read, and I hope to see everyone, Yahweh willing, at the next BWSC in 2010!

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2 Timothy 3:10-4:5

Preaching is God's primary means of grace. It is:

1. Essential work.

2. Extreme urgency

3. Eternal importance

1. The pulpit is a proclamation of God's Word. It is explanation and application. Let the passage shape itself shape the sermon. This method should be used for the majority of sermons. Preaching must address the heart, not using the pulpit as a bully pulpit.

2. (2 Timothy 4:2) Regardless of the circumstances, preach the word. Verses 3-4 - "they" are us, the church. The blame isn't just on seminaries, but on the people of God. Not only the preachers, but the people should have a sense of urgency.

3. (2 Corinthians 5 - we must all appear before Christ). Each one of us will be judged for every thought and deed. We should be praying for our ministerops.

BWSC: Getting Dirty Without Being Unclean: Being in the World, But Not of it (Dr. Jehle)

Where do you go from here?

If Christians don't being to serve in the community now, it'll be harder later.

Gal. 6:14 - the two-fold work of the cross is separation (the world crucified unto me) and influence (I crucified unto the world).

Jesus' prayer for the church - John 17:16. The church is to be separate from the world - not isolated, but able to make contact with them. John 17:17 - Sanctified by the Word. John 17:18 - Sent into the world.

The degree to which you are separate and sanctified is the degree to which you can influence the culture.

Be prepared to be sent. You will never know where you are if you stay within your "group". Separation is never isolation, it is insulation.

1. Separate from the world.

1 John 2:15-17.

Pleasure - lust of the flesh

Power - lust of the eyes

Pride - pride of life

2. Sanctified by the Word.

Gal. 6:7-9

- take time to re-write and summarize notes from this week.

- what am I going to do to make sure I am growing in God day by day.

- what you sow, you reap. What are you sowing now in your heart and mind?

- where do you sow - spirit or flesh? Pray through your neighbourhood.

- if you don't go anywhere, it stagnates and you puff up in knowledge.

- how you sow, you reap.

3. Sent into the world.

Matthew 5:13

- you are salt. Salt preserves, causes thirst, seeps in. You are salt first. Salt lasts longer than light. Every time you want to be light, you have to be salt about fives as much. Don't lose your savor by being inactive or silent.

- those who serve, lead. If they don't see us in town, how can we expect to see them in church?

The church and the culture:

1 Timothy 3:15

- pillars are vertical, pure of doctrine and behaviour.

- ground is horizonal.

Serving your city:

Proverbs 8:1-3

- stand in the "high place" - intercession

- a place at the "crossroad" - infuence

- a voice at the "gate" - serve strategically.

BWSC: A Call for Modern Day Abrahams and Sarahs: The Current Economic Crisis and the Christian Response (Dr. Roach)

We are turning outward rather than upward (horizontal rather than vertical). When we fail to look upward, we end up losing our liberty.

1. Changes in laws
- Sarbanes Oxley, repeal of Glass Steagall Act
- Leverage limits
- forced assets to be marketed to market

2. Changes in behaviour
- "no-doc" loans
- improper pricing of risk

3. Changes in trends
- house prices began to fall from their peak
- U.S. dollar and crude oil prices

4. Changes in government activism
- Troubled Assest Relief Program (TARP)
- fiscal activism

Rates fell so borrowing costs spiked
- no-doc loans
- repacking of loans to re-sell
- structured investment vehicles (SIVs). Borrow in the short-term credit markets and invests in the long-duration credit markets

Historical Context
1. Pressure to originate loans to the poor.
- mid 90s
- risk was taken on by Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac

2. Decline in assets pushed ratings down. Collateral and asset base fell.

The Christian Response:
Amos 3:6
Daniel 4

The Lord allows "bad things" to occur throughout our lifetime.

Luke 13

The most involved and most affected by the crisis are no more "guilty" than the rest of us if we are covetous.

Hebrews 13:15 - God is faithful.
Eph. 5:3, Col. 3:5

There may be an inverse correlation between debt and contentment.

1 Peter 3:6 - Be a modern-day "daughter of Sarah".

1 Timothy 6 - Be a modern-day "son of Abraham".
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BWSC: Liturgy (Dr. Pipa)

Psalm 134

The elements of worship are the acts/way the church goes about organizing worship.

The different forms of liturgy are:
1. Imposed liturgy - such as the Anglican and Episcopal
2. Discretionary liturgy - developed in the Reformation. Scotland and Geneva would be examples.
3. Rubrical provision - directions without examples. (Scottish and American Presbyterians)
4. Entire freedom - leaves it all to the option of the minister. (Scottish, American Presbyterians, Evangelicals)

Liturgy is forms, not elements. We aren't going to find in scripture a particular order.
1. Are all forms equally suited to express Presbyterian convictions?
2. Is the emotive power of forms being taken seriously enough?
3. Are the forms of the Reformed tradition being taken seriously enough?

Covenants are central to our theology. In worship, a dialogue is taking place between God and His people.

Principles: the benedictions, the ten words, public reading of the word, the votum, creed, prayers, offertory, singing.

Gospel cycles:
A cycle of praise.
A cycle of confession.
Means of Grace (sacraments, scripture, sermon, intercessory prayer, thanksgiving and blessing)

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BWSC: Law of Nations Part Two (Dr. Jehle)

History illustrates the word of God.
Law of Nations came out of the Reformation. The Golden Rule is the one verse that can be used to describe the Law of Nations.

If there is a tyrannical dictator, we should be aware of it, publish the evil, and send in missionaries.

- Nations are extensions of individuals
- God's Law is the framework for a nation's domestic and foreign policy
- God's Covenant is the model for international treaties
- God governs nations by the law of the nations, from the bottom up, inside out.

America's original foreign policy
1. No interdependence. (Sovereignty)
2. No intermeddling. (Neutrality)
3. No intervention. (Interposition)

The War of Northern Aggression was the turning point of America's foreign policy. We began to think from the top down.

PanAmerica was a trend toward interdependence. Annexation of Hawaii was a trend toward colonization and intermeddling. The Spanish-American War was towards colonization and interventionism.

You don't have true freedom unless you are free to fail.

The League of Nations was an international government renouncing war, yet at the price of justice (peace without victory).

The three things that dominated U.S. Foreign Policy in 1950-1970 were:
Appeasement (Interdependence)
Containment (Intermeddling)
Disarmament (Interventionism)
Today we are seeking to spread democracy through these three ways.
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BWSC: The Blessed Day of Worship (Dr. Pipa)

Isaiah 58:13-14

A vital observance of the Christian sabbath is the means to promote piety in our lives.

1. Special Blessings (vs 14)
The first blessing is delight in the Lord (to have Him as an exquisite treasure). The second blessing is victory. (Deu. 33:29) A third blessing is the experiential enjoyment of who and what you are. It is possible to have an inheritance and not enjoy the blessings of it. Who and what you are in Jesus is our inheritance (Justification, Adoption, Sanctification). The enjoyment of these things is feeding on our inheritance. No three things better promised to Christians than these.
Sabbath commemorates two things:
Creation - reminder that creator God is our God.
Redemption - God's great love for sinners.

The Sabbath is a means of strength, grace. The church is in the place she is today because of the rejection of God's Holy Day.

2. Relates Blessing to Sabbath (vs. 13)

Conditional Promises (if. . .then)
The Sabbath is holy to the Lord. God kept the Sabbath. He declared it full, perfection of creation. Contemplated it, took joy in it. Declaring a promise to us.

It is a day to take delight in the Lord, to prepare to eternal rest.

What does it mean when God blesses a thing? He is 'wiring' them to do the thing He created it to do.

There is two element to the law of God. There is the moral law of God - eternally, perpetually binding - and the positive law of God - His will as He governs His people.

You should desist from your own ways. Outside of things necessary, avoid one's work and causing others to work. It is a privilege to deny ourselves for Christ's sake.

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BWSC: Hamilton vs. Jefferson: Monitoring Monetary Movement (Dr. Roach)

What is money?
- store value
- medium of exchange
- unit of account

Types of money?
- commodity money
- representative money
- Fiat money

Central Banking debate:
Alexander Hamilton (who came from a poor background) vs. Thomas Jefferson (who came from a richer background).

Alexander Hamilton
- wanted a stronger national government, not states
- wanted a nation bank
- called for a president for life
- drafted a call to revise the Articles of Confederation

Thomas Jefferson
- concerned about too much control, not enough balance
- in favor of state's rights
- held to a strict interpretation of the Constitution
- favored weak central government
- opposed a national bank

History of central banking
Hamilton won out the debates and the first bank was established in 1791 for twenty years.
- second bank - 1816
- ended national business charter in 1836
- 1840-1850: hard money, free banking
- National banking acts of 1863, 64, 65
- A monopoly was formed in the guise of opposition to monopoly

Gold Standard Act of 1900
- standard for redemption of paper money
- allowed more elastic currency
- forbid use of silver and other precious metals

Gold Exchange Standard
- pseudo gold standard
- most countries kept reserves in a base currency

Federal Reserve Act of 1913 was instigated by the panic of 1907.

Federal Reserve Banks:
- only congress can create money
- Fed is quasi-private, government-sanctioned bank that issues "bills of credit" on behalf of Congress.

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BWSC: How to Talk to Your Parents About Their Sin (Dr. Priolo)

1. Get the beam out of your own eye first (Matthew 7:3-5). Apologize for own sins first. Not in a generic way, you need to name the sin - be specific and identify.

How to ask for forgiveness (not just apologizing).
A. Acknowledge that you have sinned.
B. Identify your sin by its biblical name.
C. Identify alternative biblical behaviors.
D. Ask for forgiveness.

2. Ask your parents for their help.

Sinful responses to reproof:
A. Despising reproof.
B. Refusing reproof.
C. Hating reproof.

Righteous responses to reproof:
A. Turning reproof.
B. Hearing reproof.
C. Regarding reproof.

3. Be sure that what your parents really do is a sin.

4. Examine your motives.

5. Use Biblical terminology.

6. Choose the right time.

7. Choose the right words.

8. Be sure to maintain a gentle spirit.

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BWSC: Law of Nations Part One (Dr. Paul Jehle)

Our constitution states that "our foreign policy is subject to the law of the nations.".

Joseph Story on the study of the law of the nations: " What God requires of individuals among themselves, He requires of nations. "

Ps. 22:27-28 - The kingdom is the Lord's
Eph. 2:2; 6:12 - the devil's kingdom is top down, while Christ's is bottom and moves on up (from the individual, then families, then churches, etc. ).

Matthews 5:14-16
God governs the nations from the inside out.
Psalm 19 - Law of nature and Law of God rule the world.
1. Individual conscience according to God's Word.
2. Nations are extensions of individuals (Genesis 10).
3. God opposes centralized governments above the nations (Genesis 11).
4. God judges a nation by the condition of His people (inheritance) within it (Ps. 33:12).
5. God's people are called to disciple the nations (Matthew 28:18-20).

Biblical covenants are the foundation for nation treaties. Three things contained in every covenant are sanctity, sanction, and redemption.

A nation's domestic policy guides its foreign policy:
Loving God (domestic policy) flows into Christian self-government.
Loving neighbour (domestic policy) flows into a voluntary union with others.

Deeper covenants set precedents for broader ones. Marriage is the second highest covenant.

Regarding rogue nations - nations are governed from the bottom up, thus the people must become strong enough to take out that tyrant. Other nations shouldn't be interfering unless the "bully" attacks them first.

The Just War Doctrine:
There must be just cause for war and just conduct in war. Every war since WWI has been an unjust war because they hadn't been declared by the proper authority.

Matthew 7:12 is a summary of the law of nations.
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28 August 2009

BWSC: Chief Justice John Roberts: Property Rights and Economics - Who owns all this stuff?

- Would anyone want to do business in a land with no legal structure?

- Are there Christian necessities for a healthy marketplace?

Biblical Principles for Economics:
1 Kings 3:16-28 - Just Judges
- well defined property rights
- the right to refuse
- the right to to sell/bequest

8th commandment:
- Protects your own "harvest".
- Corresponds to the 3rd commandment.

Property rights, etc.
-limited rule (Ps. 50:10-12).
-stewardship concept (Matthew 25:14-30)

The wise steward:
-there is only one who has total ownership.
-stewardship/ownership is antithetical to laziness - Proverbs 6:9-11; Proverbs 13:11

Property Rights
Ronald Coase
-economist at University of Chicago
-transaction costs
-minimal impediments to bargaining.

Tight property rights help protect asset values (renters vs owners).

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BWSC: Joining the Generations: Subduing the Enemy in the Gates (Dr. Jehle)

Why does God join the generations?

The home is the platform for the future. 2 Timothy 1:5 - joining the generations is how God preserves His covenant from generation to generation (Psalm 8:2).

Psalm 78:5-7 - Hope will diminish when the generations aren't joined. Faithful adults training their children lead to youth equipped to train their children and together they're filled with hope for the future.

Ps. 127:4-5 - Bows and Arrows. Parents are the bows while the children are the arrows.

Ps. 128:2-3 - Labor and Fruit.

Ps. 144:1, 12-15 - War and Prosperity. Adults must be willing to fight for truth. Sons are like plants, daughters like pillars and together they are fruitful and filled with peace. It starts in the home, but it doesn't end there.

Listen, have a heart to learn, then pour into the next generation.

- Seek to be joined with adults (begin at home, the home is the practice place).
- Embrace a linear vision - honor those who have gone before you, minister to those behind.
- Your greatest need is to join the generations, starting at home, not socializing with peers.
- Seek opportunities to serve your elders and uphold the hands of the needy.
- Embrace youth ministry and missions (get in the game) rather than socialized youth groups (insignificant activities).
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BWSC: Covenantal Continuity (Dr. Paul Jehle)

What is your responsibility to future generations? What you do with your life right now will affect generations.

Gal. 3:6-9 - Two modes of the gospel: Receive and Give. (Genesis 12:1-2)

Abraham's righteousness was by faith. We are covenantal children of Abraham. The blessing of the gospel is two-fold: In thee shall all nations <b>be</> blessed and They which be of faith <b>are</b> blessed.

Covenantal conditions to receive a blessing: Genesis 17:10 and Romans 2:29. Regeneration is the condition to receive.

Covenantal condition to being a blessing: Genesis 18:17-19. Covenantal continuity is the condition.

Covenantal continuity:
- God knows you (not just you knowing God)
- Radical surrender to His Lordship.
- Command (charge) his children and grandchildren (three generations).
- Passing the torch to the next generation

In the Old Testament, the third generation that was faithful was blessed and used by God.

- To keep the way of the Lord (heart). Guard your heart. If you can guard your heart, you can guide your head. Your mind rationalizes away that which is in your heart. Hold your heart and head accountable.
- Do justice (equity) and judgment (law). Knowing God's standards (worldview) and strategically and incrementally advancing the kingdom of Christ.

Matthew 28:19-20
- Go and teach (preach) - evangelism (receive)
- Teach to observe.

Foundation of the church:
Acts 2:38 - receive the gospel
Acts 3:25 - bless the nations
Only disciples are disciplined to be a blessing to all nations.

A disciplined learner (Matthew 28:18-20):
- Observe your mentor do something
- Assist them in doing something
- Lead while your mentor watches
- Release: you lead on your own.

Followers vs. Disciples
Luke 14:25-35
1. Love for Jesus exceeding all others. A passion so strong for Jesus that love for others looks like hate.
2. Self-denial. Not my will...but thine be done.
3. Count the cost to complete, not just begin.
4. Choose the most important battles.
5. Forsake all other distractions.
6. Stay salty - influence and preservation.

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BWSC: Unbiblical Forms of Communication (Dr. Priolo)

Unbiblical forms of communication:
- interruption (being quick to hear, slow to speak)
- inattentiveness (Proverbs 18:2; Proverbs 1:8; Proverbs 4:1,2).
- judging motives
- blame shifting
- sweeping generalizations
- not communicating willingly
- disrespect
- lying
- grumbling & disputing
- sinful anger
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BWSC: Adam Smith - Seminary Collides with Wall Street (Dr. Jeff Roach)

A healthy marketplace has...

1. Right incentive structure (John 10:11).
We want to correct misaligned incentives

2. Free flow of good information (Proverbs 20:14).
We want to fix asymmetrical information (one party having more info that the other party - such as whether an item is in working condition or not)

3. Minimal impediments to bargain (Matthew 20:1-16).
We want to lower transaction costs.

4. Righteous justice system (Proverbs 13:22).

Adam Smith
- Your theology dictates your economics.
- The Reformation touched not just the church, but the marketplace.
- Magnify your "calling" (Col. 3:18-25).

Who is Adam Smith?
- One of the most critical names in economics.
- Didn't use "Capitalism".
- Seminary Student.
- Believed in 'Invisible Hand' - the mystical force that can "promote" an end which was no part of one's intention (Which as Christians, we would call Divine Providence).

Foundation for improvements:
- Division (specialization) of labor.
- Prices reflect the compensation for risk.
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BWSC: Learning to Communicate (Dr. Priolo)

Proverbs 15:2,28
Luke 6:45
Proverbs 18:20

The first step is to be willing for God's Spirit to wash you inside and out. There are over forty ways in the epistles on how we are to communicate.

Hindrances to revelation - why do we struggle to reveal ourselves?

- Fear (Genesis 3:7). Oftentimes, it is a fear of being hurt emotionally.
- Selfishness (1 John 4:18). Love is the antidote for selfishness, for love is giving.

- Pride. This sin carries the swiftest punishment.

Means of communication:

- words. Proverbs 12:18
- tone of voice. (Remember the Proverb about a soft answer turning way wrath?)
- non-verbal countenance. Our facial expressions can communicate pride, bitterness, etc. (Ps 42:11; Ps 43:5)
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26 August 2009

BWSC: The Elements of Worship (Dr. Pipa)

Acts 2:42,47

How doe we determine the elements of worship? Too often, we are confusing substance and form with the elements (such as what time the church service begins, pews or chairs, etc. ). The elements of worship, though, are the things that the Bible has mentioned as elements necessary for worship.

1 Corinthians 13:14 - not assigning meaning different than its natural use.

Circumstances must be consistent with scripture. Don't impose unnecessary rules.

Forms - the content of the prayers. The prayers must be Biblical, but the Bible doesn't regulate the content.

(A) Word - read, preached, recited, creeds, call to worship, votum & salvation, benediction. (Neh. 8; 1 Tim. 4:13; 2 Tim. 4:1-6; 2 Tim. 1:13,14; Ps. 121)

(B) Various forms of prayer: Lord's Prayer, Phil. 4:6, Eph. 6:18-20, Acts 2:42.

(C) Singing: Eph. 5:19 & 20, Col. 3:16 & 17, James 5:13, 1 Cor. 14:15, 26. The choir is the congregation. There is no place for solos, etc.

(D) Sacraments: Acts 2:42, 1 Cor. 11:23.

(E) Offerings: 1 Cor. 16:1-3 / Ps. 96:8, 72:10 / Hebrews 13:16.

(G) Special elements (vows, etc. ): Deu. 6:13, Ps. 22:25, Ps. 50:5.

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BWSC: The Flood in Scriptures - Dr. John Morris

Sadly, most colleges today - Christian included - hold to the local flood theory or that the flood was allegorical. However, there are two Biblical arguments in favour of a world-wide flood - there is the physical causes for the flood, and the need for the ark.

Genesis 7:11 - in creation, God separated the waters. We don't know exactly what that may have been. However, that water could've/would've rained down during the flood. Just think of all that water. There were the "fountains of the deep" whose break-ups lasted one hundred fifty days, causing continual tsunamis that reached up to one thousand feet high! The "windows of heaven" were opened. There was no rain before the flood, but now this world-wide water canopy would have collapsed.

A global cause implies a global event. If it wasn't global, then there was no need for an ark. Just think how silly that would've been, when people and animals could have simply walked and migrated to somewhere else. If the flood was local, that would make the end times judgement local, too.
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25 August 2009

BWSC: (Title Unknown) (Dr. Pipa)

(I missed writting down the title in my notes. Once I figure what the title is, I'll come back and edit this!y

Exodus 20

Second commandment - Yahweh alone has the right to regulate worship. If it is to be centered on God, we must do as He commands.

Vs. 4-6 Worship by revelation not human invention. Symbolic religious art isn't forbidden (think of the tabernacle), simply the likeness of the Trinity. 1 Peter 1:8 - none warrant whatsoever to make pictures of Christ/Trinity (i.e. dove).

The Biblical simplicity of worship is:
1. Not to worship through images.
2. To not worship others besides God through images (i.e. even NFL/Superbowl Sunday)
3. Worshiping the true God according to the practices of the Lord.

Revelation - we can worship only that which is revealed in scripture, not what scripture is silent on. It is not a matter of taste/culture - even if we are doing things that are necessary, yet we are doing it for tradition's sake, it is wrong.
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22 August 2009

Names of God: Jehovah-Raah

(yeh-ho-vaw' raw-aw')

The Lord My Shepherd, The Lord my Friend.

The Lord is my shepherd, my guide, my friend. The Bible says we are like sheep...and that's not a compliment. Quite frankly, sheep are some of the dumbest animals. The shepherd must keep a constant eye on them, leading them to green pastures and showing them fresh water to drink - do you realize oftentimes a sheep will die of thirst before drinking clean, fresh water simply because it sees it's reflection in the water! There are many references in the Bible about sheep and Christ as our shepherd. Jehovah-Raah is the name used in that well known Psalm, Psalm 23. Oh, how thankful I am to have Yahweh, Jehovah-Raah, to be my shepherd, to lead me in the way I should go. I look forward to worshiping my shepherd tomorrow on His day. I always feel that the Sabbath is over too soon, and long for that day when I shall be worshiping Him in His presence, surrounded by other saints, for eternity.

In Jehovah-Raah's tender care,
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15 August 2009

Names of God: Jehovah Nissi

Jehovah Nissi

(yeh-ho-vaw' nis-see')
The Lord My Banner, The Lord My Miracle

Yahweh is my banner, the flag under which I fight my battles with this world. I will hold my banner high to proclaim to the world whom I serve.

BWSC: Uprooting Bitterness: Uprooting the Root That Pollutes (Dr. Priolo)

Bitterness is essentially the result of not forgiving others (responding in the wrong). Hebrews 12:15 - When a seed of bitterness is planted, we need to forgive and "nip it in the bud" before it can take root.

Forgiveness (Luke 17:3-10):

1. Forgiveness is to be granted only if a <strong>sin</strong> has been committed against you.

2. Sometimes the offended party must initiate forgiveness. The one who knows, is the one who goes.

3. Forgiveness is costly.

4. Forgiveness is fundamentally a promise. Hebrews 8:1 - you will no longer hold their trespasses against them.

5. Forgiveness is not the same as trust. (The offender still has to earn back the trust. Holding back trust where it is deserved is wrong).

6. Forgiveness does not focus on secondary causes but on the sovereignty of God.

7. Forgiveness involves an act of the will - not emotions. Romans 12:7-21 - can only "fight" with good.

Things that depend on you:
Have I provoked him/her?
Have I protracted/aggravated his evil?
Have I prolonged the problem by not dealing with it correctly?
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12 August 2009

Names of God: Yahweh

(Better late than never, eh? ;-)

Lord, Jehovah

Yahweh is the name used of God more times than any other in the Bible - in fact, it occurs over six thousand times! Literally it means "He is", describing God's self-sufficiency. Yahweh doesn't need us to exists, He exists own his own, by His own power, and He will always exist for all eternity. It is amazing to think that Yahweh chose me, that He cares about me, that He loves a sinner like me!

By Yahweh's Grace,

03 August 2009

BWSC: Standing on Evidence From Mt. Saint Helens (Dr. John Morris)

This talk contained many picture visualizations, so you really had to just be there! ;-) However, he did make a really good point: the key to the young earth issue is Noah's Flood. The earth doesn't look old, but it does look flooded!

BWSC: Stop Treating Me Like A Child: Growing Into Adulthood (Dr. Lou Priolo)

What does it mean to be a teen? The meaning of adolescence is "the time between" - it is the time between being a child and an adult.

Adolescence is a recent invention. Earlier in history, you would be a child or a man - there was never an interim period between the two.

In our relationships with our parents in our young adult years, it is lessens in authority and subordination, and increases in friendship. More independence is desired, but we must remember that independence comes by trust - we must prove ourselves worthy to gain more independence.

BWSC: Joseph: A Prophet Becomes an Economist (Dr. Jeff Roach on Biblical Economics)

Economics is also know as "dismal science". Literally it means "House Law", "Management of a household". What is economics? It is the efficient allocation of scarce resources in a market place. It is a study of the markets.

What does a healthy marketplace have?

A. Right incentive structure.

B. Free flow of good information.

C. Minimal impediments to bargain.

D. Appropriate role for government (i.e. property rights and contract enforcer)

A healthy market place has individuals who are:

Loving participants

Honest; not bearing false witness; do and say the same thing

Not respector of persons

Respectful of others' property; not stealing


Why Joseph of all people? He probably had a similar background, and his personal qualities are worth emulating.

Joseph implements the proper role for collateral. (Genesis 47:13-25) In a similar situation in the US during 2001-2006, there was not enough considerations of risks, and that is why we are in this mess today.

Joseph dealt with the 'credit crisis' via temporary control of property He also instituted a 20% flat tax. This was the collateral (something to help offset risks) that he used.


Some of Joseph's personal qualities that we can emulate are:

Respect for what was not his; differed to God, and took no glory for himself.

Professional qualities:

Served his master well; delayed present consumption for future consumption

The Future

I've found that it can be so very easy to get caught up with the future - sometimes at the cost of missing out on the present. Thoughts and plans can fill the mind. Now don't get me wrong, planning for the future (while always keeping in mind, Lord willing) isn't always, but letting ourselves become consumed with it is. It can be tempting to dwell on what life will be like five, ten, twenty years from now...what will life look like - will I be single or married and with kids? You wonder, wouldn't it be easier if God could just give you a plan, a checklist for the next five years? Once you think about it though, if there was a simple checklist of what God had prepared for you in the future, how would we learn to trust in Him? Our very existence, our next breath that we draw are all gifts from above. Yes, we need to prepare for the future, but all the while serving God in the present.

The other side of this is living so completely in the present, that you take no mind in the future. I have to admit that I fell a bit into this trap when I was younger. Just recently I discovered how predominate this type of mindset may be in the churches today. It is the belief that Jesus will most likely be coming back soon, so why bother with things like marriage, children, good deed and building on those things that will last? Are we to become so arrogant that we put aside all other important parts aspects of our faith? It is necessary for us to invest for the future, to have a legacy for our future generations. For, who is to know when Christ shall return? Yes it may be tomorrow, or it could be a thousand years from now. The Bible tells us it will happen as a thief in the night. As Christians, we should be ready at any moment to meet our Savior, our Adonai face-to-face, but yet we need to be building foundations for the next generations. We need to be praying even now for those that may follow us, as past generations have done for us. We must find that delicate balance between the present and the future and stick to it until the end.

By Yahweh's Grace,

01 August 2009

Names of God: Adonai



Adonai means "Lord, Master". We can not serve two masters. I praise Adonai that He is my master and lord and I may serve Him!

Further information on the name Adonai (taken from a previously linked website):

Meaning and Derivation: Adonai is the verbal parallel to Yahweh and Jehovah. Adonai is plural; the singular is adon. In reference to God the plural Adonai is used. When the singular adon is used, it usually refers to a human lord. Adon is used 215 times to refer to men. Occasionally in Scripture and predominantly in the Psalms, the singular adon is used to refer to God as well (cf. Exd 34:23). To avoid contravening the commandment "Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain" (Exd 20:7), sometimes Adonai was used as a substitute for Yahweh (YHWH). Adonai can be translated literally as, "my lords' " (both plural and possessive).