16 July 2010

Boundless Summer Challenge Task Six

The task for today was once again on one of my favorite topics. I enjoyed reading the articles that were linked to. I found them quite interested. As of late, I have come in contact with several different articles that talk about "settling", so I guess this is something I need to hear! My view of marriage is changing. I've realized that at times my view of it has been selfish. I've realized that marriage is not about us being completed, but about God being glorified. It's not about whether this person meets my pre-conceived romantic notions, but whether they meet the biblical standard. It's not about my needs being met, but about furthering His kingdom. Forget about whether or not he's older, prefers pants over shorts, taller, is a deep thinker, dresses in the Oxford style, or if he has an unlimited knowledge on all things theological - not to say that those things can't be good desires (though I'm certain not everyone would agree completely), but my focous should be on what qualities Yahweh desires in my marriage partner.

I've heard arguments both for and against "the list". Should we have a list of requirements that someone must meet if they want to be our spouse? If they are solid, biblical principles - then the answer is yes. We ought to have non-negotiables. Mrs. Watters gives four, and backs them up with scripture (the article is here): He must be a believer; he must be able and willing to provide for his family; he must love sacrificially; he must be honest, have a good reputation and strive for the qualities of a spiritual leader. No one is going to fully embody all of these characteristics, but they ought to be travelling in that trajectory. Personally, the guy would have to agree with me on few crucial theological points, but other then that I would agree with Mrs. Watters. It's not easy to let go of my own negotiables, but I'm learning to make it about Him, not me.

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