13 July 2010

Boundless Summer Challenge, Task Four

Today's task was timely. You see, my father usually plans trips at the last minute. Don't get me wrong, I love being spontaneous, but there are times when I like to plan ahead to avoid the stress of last-minute packing. So when I learn that I need to pack up to head to the beach in a few hours, I had two choices - whine, moan, complain, and get angry about not getting more of a notice, or respect his decision as head of the house and do everything in my power to make it possible. I haven't always made the right decision when standing at that crossroad, but this time I am thankful that the Holy Spirit enabled me to be unselfish and place others first. I've realized that my father doesn't plan last-minute trips just to frustrate me, it's just the way he is. And you know what? I think that is one of my favorite qualities about my dad - his spontaneity.

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