03 August 2009

The Future

I've found that it can be so very easy to get caught up with the future - sometimes at the cost of missing out on the present. Thoughts and plans can fill the mind. Now don't get me wrong, planning for the future (while always keeping in mind, Lord willing) isn't always, but letting ourselves become consumed with it is. It can be tempting to dwell on what life will be like five, ten, twenty years from now...what will life look like - will I be single or married and with kids? You wonder, wouldn't it be easier if God could just give you a plan, a checklist for the next five years? Once you think about it though, if there was a simple checklist of what God had prepared for you in the future, how would we learn to trust in Him? Our very existence, our next breath that we draw are all gifts from above. Yes, we need to prepare for the future, but all the while serving God in the present.

The other side of this is living so completely in the present, that you take no mind in the future. I have to admit that I fell a bit into this trap when I was younger. Just recently I discovered how predominate this type of mindset may be in the churches today. It is the belief that Jesus will most likely be coming back soon, so why bother with things like marriage, children, good deed and building on those things that will last? Are we to become so arrogant that we put aside all other important parts aspects of our faith? It is necessary for us to invest for the future, to have a legacy for our future generations. For, who is to know when Christ shall return? Yes it may be tomorrow, or it could be a thousand years from now. The Bible tells us it will happen as a thief in the night. As Christians, we should be ready at any moment to meet our Savior, our Adonai face-to-face, but yet we need to be building foundations for the next generations. We need to be praying even now for those that may follow us, as past generations have done for us. We must find that delicate balance between the present and the future and stick to it until the end.

By Yahweh's Grace,

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