29 August 2009

BWSC: Getting Dirty Without Being Unclean: Being in the World, But Not of it (Dr. Jehle)

Where do you go from here?

If Christians don't being to serve in the community now, it'll be harder later.

Gal. 6:14 - the two-fold work of the cross is separation (the world crucified unto me) and influence (I crucified unto the world).

Jesus' prayer for the church - John 17:16. The church is to be separate from the world - not isolated, but able to make contact with them. John 17:17 - Sanctified by the Word. John 17:18 - Sent into the world.

The degree to which you are separate and sanctified is the degree to which you can influence the culture.

Be prepared to be sent. You will never know where you are if you stay within your "group". Separation is never isolation, it is insulation.

1. Separate from the world.

1 John 2:15-17.

Pleasure - lust of the flesh

Power - lust of the eyes

Pride - pride of life

2. Sanctified by the Word.

Gal. 6:7-9

- take time to re-write and summarize notes from this week.

- what am I going to do to make sure I am growing in God day by day.

- what you sow, you reap. What are you sowing now in your heart and mind?

- where do you sow - spirit or flesh? Pray through your neighbourhood.

- if you don't go anywhere, it stagnates and you puff up in knowledge.

- how you sow, you reap.

3. Sent into the world.

Matthew 5:13

- you are salt. Salt preserves, causes thirst, seeps in. You are salt first. Salt lasts longer than light. Every time you want to be light, you have to be salt about fives as much. Don't lose your savor by being inactive or silent.

- those who serve, lead. If they don't see us in town, how can we expect to see them in church?

The church and the culture:

1 Timothy 3:15

- pillars are vertical, pure of doctrine and behaviour.

- ground is horizonal.

Serving your city:

Proverbs 8:1-3

- stand in the "high place" - intercession

- a place at the "crossroad" - infuence

- a voice at the "gate" - serve strategically.

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