29 August 2009

BWSC: Law of Nations Part One (Dr. Paul Jehle)

Our constitution states that "our foreign policy is subject to the law of the nations.".

Joseph Story on the study of the law of the nations: " What God requires of individuals among themselves, He requires of nations. "

Ps. 22:27-28 - The kingdom is the Lord's
Eph. 2:2; 6:12 - the devil's kingdom is top down, while Christ's is bottom and moves on up (from the individual, then families, then churches, etc. ).

Matthews 5:14-16
God governs the nations from the inside out.
Psalm 19 - Law of nature and Law of God rule the world.
1. Individual conscience according to God's Word.
2. Nations are extensions of individuals (Genesis 10).
3. God opposes centralized governments above the nations (Genesis 11).
4. God judges a nation by the condition of His people (inheritance) within it (Ps. 33:12).
5. God's people are called to disciple the nations (Matthew 28:18-20).

Biblical covenants are the foundation for nation treaties. Three things contained in every covenant are sanctity, sanction, and redemption.

A nation's domestic policy guides its foreign policy:
Loving God (domestic policy) flows into Christian self-government.
Loving neighbour (domestic policy) flows into a voluntary union with others.

Deeper covenants set precedents for broader ones. Marriage is the second highest covenant.

Regarding rogue nations - nations are governed from the bottom up, thus the people must become strong enough to take out that tyrant. Other nations shouldn't be interfering unless the "bully" attacks them first.

The Just War Doctrine:
There must be just cause for war and just conduct in war. Every war since WWI has been an unjust war because they hadn't been declared by the proper authority.

Matthew 7:12 is a summary of the law of nations.
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with Nextel Direct Connect

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