29 August 2009

BWSC: God's Major Medium (Dr. Pipa)

This is the very last BWSC post. It took several months, but it is finally complete. With some posts, I have listening to the lectures again to better sum up my note, while other less fortunate posts are simply my typed-up notes. I hope they have been enjoyable and enlightening for all to read, and I hope to see everyone, Yahweh willing, at the next BWSC in 2010!

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2 Timothy 3:10-4:5

Preaching is God's primary means of grace. It is:

1. Essential work.

2. Extreme urgency

3. Eternal importance

1. The pulpit is a proclamation of God's Word. It is explanation and application. Let the passage shape itself shape the sermon. This method should be used for the majority of sermons. Preaching must address the heart, not using the pulpit as a bully pulpit.

2. (2 Timothy 4:2) Regardless of the circumstances, preach the word. Verses 3-4 - "they" are us, the church. The blame isn't just on seminaries, but on the people of God. Not only the preachers, but the people should have a sense of urgency.

3. (2 Corinthians 5 - we must all appear before Christ). Each one of us will be judged for every thought and deed. We should be praying for our ministerops.

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