11 November 2010

An Alphabet of Thanksgiving

Adoption - Both physical and spiritual. I am grateful to God for choosing me to be a part of His family, and for the siblings He has choosen to be a part of my earthly family. Thank you God for adoption!

Brothers - I am thankful for the godly example my brothers set for me. There are always there to help me when I need manly strength. They are extremely generous and lavish gifts upon me and my siblings whatever the occasion. Thank you God for brothers!

Church - God has provided a means of gathering together as a community to worship Him. Thank you God for giving us church!

Daddies - Especially my daddy. He has such a servants heart. He spends much time taking us places we want to go, without murmuring one word of complaint. He'll take time to wash dishes just because. I love my daddy and am so grateful for him. Thank you God for daddies!

Evangelism - God uses us to spread His Kingdom. He gives us this opportunity to spread His love to others. What an immense gift and charge for us. Thank you God for using us for evangelism!

Family - both my amazing family and my family in Christ. My blood family is such a blessing to me, they are crazy and awesome. I love my family so much and am thankful God has given them to me. My brothers and sisters in Christ, you encourage me, cause me to think, and are simply fun to be around. I love you all! Thank you God for the gift of family.
Grace - where would I be without it? Thank you God for grace.

Hospitals - I've seen more of the hospital in the past year than I ever wanted to see. However, I am vastly thankful for the high quality care that my baby brother has received. Without good hospital care, he wouldn't be here. Thank you God for hospitals.

Investment - I have been given the opportunity to work in the lives of those around me, to invest in them and really make a difference in their lives. Thank you God for this gift of investment.

Joy - With the absence of joy, our lives would be very glum indeed. Thank you God for giving us reasons to be joyful.

Knowledge - most particularly, knowledge of God. He has given us His word so that we can know and learn about Him. Thank you God for this knowledge.

Laughter - I love laughter. Because of God's precious gifts to my family, my house is filled with laughter. Thank you God for laughter.

Mothers - in particular, my mother. She is the strongest, godliness woman I know. No one I know would do the things she has done. She is willing to do crazy things for God without worrying what others might think. Thank you God so much for my mother.

Night - without darkness, how could we be thankful for the light? Thank you God for darkness and that it is temporary.

Orchids - just one of the many flowers God has blessed us with. Thank you God for all flowers, including orchids.

Peace - God gives us the gift of peace that surpasses all understanding. Thank you God for giving us your peace in the midst of the fiercest storms.

Quips - because who doesn't like a good one? ;)

Reformation - the reformers risked their lives for the cause of Christ. Where would we be without them? Thank you God for the reformers and the Reformation.

Sisters - I am so thankful for my two sisters. Jen and I have our differences - a lot - but I wouldn't exchange it for anything. I love to see Janae grow from a tiny baby into a little lady. When she begs for her Bible story, it makes me smile and my heart glad. She loves to pray for her family and is careful not to leave herself out. I love my sisters so much. Thank you God for sisters.

TULIP - the easiest way to explain Calvinism. ;)

Unity - that even in the midst of our differences, we can unite together for Christ and the Kingdom.

Valiant - thank you God for valiant people fighting for your Kingdom.

Winter - as with night, if it wasn't for winter we wouldn't appreciate the new life and warmth of spring. Thank you God for winter.

Xmas - the celebration of the incarnation of God. Thank you God for sending us your son!

Yahweh - I am thankful that Yahweh choose me to be his child, that He is my God, and that He has given me the privilege to serve Him with my life, my all. Thank you, Yahweh, for making me your child.

Zoology - because I couldn't think of anything else... ;)


  1. A Baptist is thankful for TULIP? ; P

  2. For the record, I'm Presbyterian. However, a *Reformed* Baptist can be just as thankful for TULIP as a Presbyterian. ; )

  3. ~Love this! And I second the brothers, laughter, and night. Night time is when I think the most -- so I look forward to the few minutes that I'm lying awake in bed before sleep -- a time to mull things over. : )

  4. By the way, yes, good job. I second Eilonwy. That was a good and unique idea to do an alphabet of thankfulness.

  5. Londa - Thank you. :) Haha - me too! I have a hard time falling asleep sometimes because there is so much to think about.

    Isaiah - Thanks!
