28 April 2010

Oh, Look!

Yes, my friends...a new post! Please restrain yourselves from fainting. Contrary to all appearances, I did not, in fact, fall off the edge of the earth. I'm sorry to disappoint. Why I haven't written here is mostly because I have simply not felt like writing, mostly due to being quite sick. Sounds like lots of fun, doesn't it? Anyway, I hope to get back to posting more regularly soon.

Something I learned from being sick is not to take anything for granted. As a young people, we tend to forget that we are not invincible. It is easy to forget to be thankful for things we don't notice until they are taken away, like simply having the energy to get out of bed in the morning. I thought about the fact that there are people that have to deal everyday with some of the issues I had to deal with for only had for a week or two. I can't imagine having to struggle everyday with not having enough strength just to do simple tasks around the house. I would encourage everyone who reads this to cultivate a thankful heart. Be thankful for those little things that we don't usually notice until they are taken away. We aren't automatically thankful creatures, we have to teach ourselves to be thankful. Look around you, think hard about what you usually take for granted, and thank Yahweh for the countless good gifts He has given to you.

1 comment:

  1. Well, that explains why you were so neglectful. I'm sorry to hear you were sick, but as usual God taught you something through it. There is a purpose to all suffering we endure, no matter how small, and usually it has something to do with understanding/appreciating more about Him. ; )
