28 September 2010


A question I am regularly asked is, "Why do you wear skirts all the time?". Wearing skirts is so second nature to me that I am usually thrown off-guard and end up stammering out some sort of response that probably doesn't make any sense. This post is for those who have asked me that question and received an unsatisfactory answer, or for those who haven't been brave enough to ask me yet. ;)

I haven't always worn skirts. Growing up, skirts and dresses were what I wore to church, not something put on every day. I never gave it a second thought. However, I remember one day when my mother listened to a S.M. Davis tape on modesty, and announced that we were going to start wearing skirts and dresses more. My response was something along the lines of "never in a million years". I was probably around seven years of age or so, and had quite a stubborn streak (which I'm sure has worn off after all these years. Haha!). Was this my "turning point", so to speak? Far from it. I don't think I could pick one particular moment, one article, one book that suddenly changed my mind. It was a very slow, gradual process. So much so, that I was rather shocked when I looked back and realized that I had become my own worst nightmare. :) It was a very gradual shift in focous that really embodies how much people can change because of the influence of what they read and the people they spend time with.

Well, that gives you a bit of history, but doesn't really tell you exactly why I wear skirts all the time. It's actually quite simple, really. I like skirts better than pants. Yep, that's it! Now, I admit when I first made the switch to skirts-only, I was tempted to feel like I was better than "those girls" that felt more comfortable in jeans. There is a temptation on both sides to feel like they are better than the other. I'm not condemning those that find pants more comfortable. That's your personal decision, just keep in mind that it doesn't make you any better than the next girl.
Now the gals in the skirts-only camp will argue that skirts are more feminine. For the most part that is true. Skirts are naturally more feminine, even the uglier ones. However, I can't say that wearing pants makes you look like a man. There are plenty of feminine styles of pants out there, and many lovely, feminine outfits. But just as some people don't like brussel sprouts, I personally don't like wearing pants.

Is a skirt more modest than pants? They can be. But then, there are pants that are miles more modest that some skirts I seen. Whatever you choose when you look at your closet in the morning, careful attention should always be paid to modesty. Is this too low, too tight, too thin, too short? Most especially, attention should be given to our attitudes. Do guys notice or care which a girl wears? I don't know. But I know they can tell the difference between a lady with a modest attitude and the girl that throws herself at guys. You could wear a burka and still have an immodest attitude. Pay close attention to your clothes, but even closer attention to your attitude and demeanour..

Remember how I used to be stubborn? (Please stop snickering!) Well, to some extent that influences my skirt vs pants decision. If someone says you can't, that usually makes you three times more willing to try to accomplish it, just to say "I told you so.". Don't say you've never done that, because we all have. If you're smart, you know how to work that in-bred defiance in others for good. (I can practically see the knowing smiles of parents and older children who read this). So there you have it - I don't wear skirts because I think I'm better than you, I do it because I feel more comfortable, feminine, and less self-conscious in a skirt.

Now it's your turn - which do you prefer and why?


  1. I prefer pants cause I don't really like wearing skirts. ; P

    Anyway, the argument that skirts are more feminine really falls to the ground when you consider clothes historically. Guys used to wear mini-skirts almost (with leggings) in Europe a few hundred years ago. Cultures all over the world wear all kinds of different clothes, skirts are actually very much of a guy in many parts of the world and many times in history.
    It's true that with today's culture skirts have a feminine connotation, but that's fairly recent. As a result the argument that talks about the verse in the pentateuch applying to girls wearing pants is just bogus. That verse can certainly apply to cross-dressing, but not for girls wearing pants.

    As far as me personally, (as a guy) I really don't notice whether a girl wears skirts most of the time or pants. What I see are whether it is mini skirts or shorts, or whether it is longer pants or skirts. I find that girls in today's culture have to work pretty hard to appear masculine. It certainly can be done with the baggy jeans and sweat shirt, but it seems to take more work in my opinion than simply wearing pants. The problem girls face in this culture is not looking too masculine but too "feminine." Not feminine in the good sense in the word, but making it very clear that their bodies posses female characteristics.

  2. To clarify, I refer to the American culture in the present time. So, in the culture I live in presently skirts are automatically more feminine for anyone, regardless of modesty, simply because they are skirts. It's why gals get married in dresses and not pantsuits (at least not yet...). It certainly depends upon the culture and age in which you live.

    Very true. However, I think it can be fairly easy to appear masculine in a feminine way. There are a fair number of garments that have taken their inspiration from articles of men's clothing but have been slighty modified to fit women. I think overall it is a matter of the heart and what one is trying to convey. How we dress is practically always a reflection of our heart and our attitude.
