05 August 2010

Boundless Summer Challenge, Task Twenty

For today, the focous is on celebration. As opposed to the previous task, celebration is popular. Who doesn't want to celebrate? Birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, graduations, a new job, a new baby, moving...it isn't hard to find something to celebrate. As Christians, we have something even greater to celebrate - our freedom from the bondage of sin. It can be easy to get caught up in the monotony of everyday life, to complain about the circumstances we have to constantly deal with. Instead, let us focous on the good in life, the blessings that Yahweh bestows on us each and every day. You don't have to take a lot of time or spend a lot of money to celebrate. For me, it was as simple as taking a break from my work and enjoying a delicious bowl of my family's unique banana pudding. Maybe it is just the refreshment you need to make it through the day. But don't take my word for it, try it for yourself. Take a break and go celebrate your freedom in Christ!


  1. I believe celebration is also an important ingredient in influencing others. When you plan a party and invite others you bond with them better and you are enabled to influence others more for good. Even if the only good you do is make them feel loved you have influenced others for good.
    I realize that the topic today may have been more focused on giving yourself a break, but the more I think about it the more I believe that celebrations are a great way to show others your love.
    This is something I'm seeking to work on since I don't like planning in general and I usually prefer a simpler way to enjoy myself that is more immediate and requires less work for equal or greater pay offs.

    However, if you look at leaders among today's youth they are often those who are planning events and parties. And really, being invited to a party really does make you feel special so when you do that for someone else you are really encouraging a bond between you that can turn into something wonderful.

  2. Thanks for adding your thoughts! Good points, and I agree. I wonder if we ought to be deliberate in our celebrations though, and not just continual partying, if that makes sense. Certainly something to reflect on.
