16 December 2009

Missionaries to the World

"Let us not cease to do the utmost, that we may incessantly go forward in the way of the Lord; and let us not despair of the smallness of our accomplishments." - John Calvin

A Missionary's Vision: http://visionarywomanhood.blogspot.com/2009/11/missionarys-vision.html

A stay-at-home mom (or daughter) is hardly what the world views as a successful vocation. Even in Christian circles it can be looked down upon (more toward daughters than moms). Why settle down and raise kids, when you could be working in orphanages in India?

It is easy to give in to the thought that raising children isn't as important as missionary work. The truth is that all Christians are missionaries, constantly preaching the gospel to those with which we come in contact. I think we can swing either way, making missions in America important or making serving overseas important. Both equally further the cause of Christ and we have to constantly check our balance to keep it from leaning one way or the other. Some of us will do great things for the Kingdom, and some of us will doing small things, but all our work is equal in the sight of the Father. None of us is greater than the other by what we do or how we serve. We may dream of doing great and noble things for Yahweh, when in reality it is He who does (and did!) great and awesome (in the true sense of the word) works for us. May we serve Christ wholeheartedly, whether here or there, abroad or at home, in the slums and in the mansions. May we run the race set before us and finish well by His power and might!

Grace and peace to you all,

15 December 2009

Suffering and Sovereignty

I think the hardest time to submit Yahweh's will is when it involves suffering. So many times we wonder why something is happening. For me, the hardest time is when there doesn't appear any good to come from it. Yet, we have to remember that Yahweh is sovereign in ALL circumstances, good and bad, no matter what the outcome. We have to continue to preach the gospel to ourselves daily no matter what obstacles hit us.

We don't have all the answers. I can't tell you why two families in Virginia lost their mothers in a freak accident. Or why there is such heartache, suffering and loss in this world. All creation groans with the weight of a fallen, broken world as it awaits the reappearance of the One who will come again. All creation looks forward to the new heavens and the new earth free from sin, a place with no sorrow, no tears, no death.

Suffering, though, is oftentimes the refining fire Yahweh uses to burn away our dross and to strengthen our trust in Him. It's not when we are strong and able to make it on our own that we need a comforter and savior, but when we are sorrowful and miserable. The trail may be painful as we are in the heart of the fire, but may we emerge stronger in Him than we were before.

Suffering turns us heavenward. It gives us a reason to long for the celestial city. How easily do we lose sight of the fact that this life is the vapor, the dream that will soon be over! In reality, this life that we now live will be over in the blink of an eye compared to the eternity we will spend in the worship of Jesus Christ, the King of Kings!

In His Service,