21 September 2010

A Bit O' An Update

Well, well, well...look who is back! Has it really been a month since my last post? Reminds me of my journals from when I was younger. The first paragraph almost always speaks of how long it had been since I last wrote, followed by promises to write more often started then. Anyway, this time I have much better excuses - honest! Yahweh brought my family faithfully through a nine-day hospital stay with my baby brother after a very serious and intensive surgery. If you prayed for him during this time, I sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart. God was so faithful to us during that time. Things have started to settle back into a sort of normalcy, but the busyness hasn't abated. I've had less time to keep up with friends on Facebook. I rather miss being to keep up with what's going on in people's lives, but I've realized that those people who really matter I email or chat with regularly so maybe I'm not missing out on a whole lot after all. Besides the fact that I can just stalk those that I'm really interested in. (Hahaha!)

Now you may realize there's something I've neglected to say. There isn't a hint of me promising to start posting more often or even more regularly. Why? Because I'm not. I post when I have time to share whatever thoughts I'm itching to share. Or at least I try to - I think there's about three or four drafts in my blogger right now in various stages of completion. This fall/winter is looking like it will be the busiest yet. However, I'm focusing a bit more on improving my writing, so I at least promise not to disappear all together (not that too many people will notice anyway.) ;)

So there ya go, a new post on my blog. Stay tuned for new posts that (hopefully) won't be just me rambling on and on. ;)

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