14 May 2010

Is there only one? Part 2

To better express my viewpoint, I have gathered a few articles for anyone interested. They do a much better job than I!

Path to Marriage: Predestined or Freewilled?

Soul Mates or Sole Mates?

Mentor Series: The Burning Bush



  1. I believe God is not just sovereign, but omniscient.

    He knows all my possible choices, their outcomes, and my actual choice. And he knows the plans he has for me.

    If you get married and your husband beats you, does the law allow you to divorce and marry another? Christ says, "No." (Matthew 19.9-11) It is by knowing of God's view of divorce, that I believe there is a particular person planned for me. God joins us together. (Genesis 2.24; Matthew 19.5-6)

    God has a plan nothing you or I can do will mar his plan. We should pray at all times for all things. (Philippians 4.6) If we ask, he is faithful. (Matthew 7.7-12)

    However, if we are not doing the will of God, we are not of him. (Hebrews 12; Matthew 21.28-31)

  2. No, nothing we can do will mar His plan. As you said, God knows all my possible choices and which I will actually choose. But that implies there will be options to pick from, and that Yahweh knows which one I will pick...not that there is one person out there that He has chosen for me to marry.

    I believe I would disagree with you about divorce, but I won't get into that now.

  3. Then is it permissible in this understanding of God to say, "This person whom I married is not the only one, so I may please God by divorcing and marrying another. God knows, this will not mar his plans." ?

    This seems to be my understanding: We are only permitted to marry one, unless due to seperation by death. Otherwise to marry another is adultery. John 14.15: "If ye love me, keep my commandments."

    All the law is: Love God with your all and love your neighbor as yourself. When we marry, God tells us it is for life. Why should we have one view of marriage beforehand and another view of marriage once married?

    If there is not only one, now on this side of the altar; how is it on the otherside of the altar there is only one?

    You may think this is just a question of semantics. It may be. I think the perspectives are at odds. And one consistent perspective is better than many different and constantly changing perspectives.

  4. No. Once you've married the person, it is a done deal. You've made a covenant with them that should not be broken without a just cause. My point is that you have a choice which path you will travel down. Each will have different challenges, but there is no turning back once that choice is made. Just because there were other choices originally doesn't mean you are allowed to change your mind and go back and choose someone else.

    No matter what choice we make, we can not and do not mar God's plans - each one is a viable option and He knows which choice we will ultimately make.
